Investment strategy and philosophy

Two world-renowned Danes – H.C. Andersen and Søren Kierkegaard – one a fairy tale writer, the other a philosopher – yes, their paths did cross, and they agreed on the invisible thread. Some call it the guiding thread, stretching through all our lives, anchored in our past and heading toward the future.

We take pride in our thread. We know where the thread originates, and it is our approach to investing. What is an investment if not a pursuit of following one’s thread and weaving it into something greater; something that outlives us and creates a lasting impact?

We are driven by both the mind and the heart, by both logic and passion. Therefore, we invest not only in the potential for economic growth but also in visions and in people focusing on responsible value creation.


To invest with purpose

Direct investments: Direct investments allow us to support companies, enabling us to contribute to their growth and development.

Read more about our partnerships here


Global reach

Funds:  As a family office, we are represented in a range of Venture Capital and Private Equity funds, spread across multiple geographies and managed by experienced fund managers.

Get an overview of funds here.


Meaningful spaces

Real Estate: We have an ambition to invest in real estate projects – from historical buildings to local eateries. It’s not just about properties, but about creating meaningful spaces where life can unfold.


Investment in balance

The Capital Market: All investments are based on capital preservation. The majority of our investments are anchored in the capital market, where we select stocks and bonds. This approach emphasizes a strategy to minimize risk through diversification.